Annual well-woman GYN services, Pap, breast exam, and overall health check. Typical pelvic health visits are generally 30-60 minutes.
STD/STI testing, bloodwork as well as cultures. Vaginal infection testing for overall pelvic health.
Members of the LGBTQIA+ community need care providers who understand, listen, and respect their identity and choices. Transmen need pelvic exams and Paps if cervical tissue is still present. GYN services for all who prefer a more private and holistic approach to pelvic health.
Birth control visits, prescriptions, IUD placement, Depo-Provera, and Natural Family Planning guidance.
Pre-conception counseling and testing.
Mental health assessment and treatment for depression and anxiety. Medication management and non-drug treatment.
Menopause and perimenopause support, including testing and HRT as well as non-medication options, nutrition.